Baled biomass handling

We are specialists in straw barn logistics, straw bale conveying and automatic unloading of straw bales from lorries. All you need for material handling for a biomass-based energy production or 2nd generation bioethanol production.

Our innovative and efficient logistics solutions for the bioenergy industry include everything from preliminary concept development to simulation, project management and implementation.



Baled Biomass 

Qubiqa is a leading supplier of turnkey logistics solutions for the handling and conveying of baled biomass at biomass fired power stations and 2nd generation bioethanol production facilities.



Handling systems for straw bales

We start our supply at the entrance gate of the power station with registration of all incoming material, and control, distribute and process the bales until they enter the furnace or a similar process.

  • Automatic unloading of staw bales from lorries
  • Automatic crane system for material handling
  • Conveyor lines
  • Distribution
  • Material processing equipment
  • Control system
We offer complete solutions for straw and other kinds of biomass and baled materials!
Morten Seeberg CEO
Complete solutions for biomass handling

Over the years, our original product range - conveyors and cranes for the handling of straw - has been substantially expanded. In collaboration with subsuppliers and partners, our experienced staff is able to include unitizers, hammermills, pelletizers, cyclones, filters etc. in our turnkey supplies – not only for straw, but also for other kinds of biomass and baled materials in general.

Qubiqa Straw Management System (SMS)

The system is designed as a "book-keeping" system that registers storage movements (storage/retrieval).

When a lorry arrives with the straw bales, the lorry driver positions the lorry in the correct lane based on a light signal. When the gate opens, the driver drives to the correct unloading position assisted by the traffic lights. The driver runs a magnetic card through the reader and the load is registered.


Engineering services

We offer a wide range of engineering services and can assist you through the various stages of developing the perfect solution for your new automated equipment.

  • Concept development 
  • Price estimates
  • 3D layouts 
  • Simulation & animation
  • Bid material & request for quotation
  • Time schedule & planning
  • Project management

Read more about our engineering service

Support 24/7

Equipment does require maintenance, and we are ready to give advice, supply spare parts or assist in any other way.

We also know that operators come and go. Sometimes you may even feel that you are constantly training new staff. We can assist with onsite training.


At some point during operation, your equipment will inevitably cause some kind of stops - and very likely at the most inconvenient time.


Therefore, we offer a 24/7 hotline service that is manned by our highly skilled and experienced programmers.


Read more about our support and aftersales service


We offer

  • 24/7 hotline
  • maintenance system
  • spare parts
  • expert advice and consulting
  • preventive maintenance
  • user training
  • upgrade of facilities and systems.
Realizing opportunity?
Contact us today
The hotline is manned by experienced technicians, who are familiar with Qubiqa's machines. Customers who have not signed a Hotline Service Contract with Qubiqa are also welcome to contact our hotline.
Qubiqa offers to lend you one of our supervisors. If you have a project but are not entirely certain how to approach it, you can rent one of Qubiqa’s experienced employees.
We supply solutions for (m)any logistics challenges
Our focus on capacity, productivity and quality helps customers run a safe, highly efficient and cost-effective operation that is easy to instantly scale to current production needs.